Hard Yards Running Club Constitution
Aims and Objectives.
To promote running to provide a method to enhance mental health.
All members must be at least 18 years old. Hard Yards Running Club ensure all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment.
Membership shall be open to anyone wanting to improve their mental health, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.
All members will be subject to the rules and regulations of the constitution, and by joining the club, will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of practice that the club has adopted.
Classes of members.
Honorary Member (members who have made outstanding contributions)
Ordinary Member
Ordinary members will have the right to vote after payment of at least three months subscriptions.
Membership Fees
The membership for Honorary members is nil.
The membership for ordinary Members is £10 per calendar month.
There will be no monthly subscriptions payable for the first 9 weeks for those joining Hard Yards for the first time to try us out or to complete Couch to 5K for the first time.
All fees will be paid by standing order from the members bank account.
If three monthly payments are missed without agreement with the treasurer, the member will be asked to leave.
A member may withdraw from membership at any time. Membership shall not be transferable and no funds will be given. It is the responsibility of the member to cancel their own standing order.
The Committee has the flexibility to wave monthly subscriptions if a member is suffering financial hardship. The member should approach the treasurer in the first instance and then reviewed by other Committee members. Once agreed it should be reviewed with the member every 3 months.
The Committee.
The President (Permanent Position)
The Chair
The deputy Chair
The Secretary
The communications Coordinator
The Treasurer
The Welfare and Safety Officer
The Social Secretary
The Run Leader Coordinator
The Publications Officer
The honorary position of President is a permanent officer of the committee, is entitled to attend committee meetings, contribute to discussions and is granted voting rights. The President is Will Reekie.
The officers of the club are known as The Committee. The Club is managed through The Committee meetings will be convened by the Club Secretary and held no less than four times per year. The committee will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of practice that affect the organisation of the club.
The Committee may add or remove positions in the best interests of the Club. The positions of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Welfare and Safety Officer must always remain part of the Committee.
When the AGM notification is issued to Members, it shall be stated in such notice which positions on Committee, if any, become vacant for the following year.
All members interested in standing for a vacant position on The Committee shall be nominated by a member and seconded by an existing Committee member and elected by ballot at the AGM.
If the position of Chair is up for election, it must be first appointed to the current or outgoing Committee members by majority decision. (This is to ensure continuity as the previous post holder will have in depth knowledge of previous decision, actions and direction) if no other Committee member wishes to stand for the post, the position shall be up for election at the AGM.
If there is only one candidate nominated to fill any vacancy, that candidate shall be declared elected unopposed for that vacancy. If there is more than one candidate for any vacancy, there shall be a ballot at the AGM. In the event of a tie, a further ballot will be undertaken until such time as a majority is reached.
The Committee may appoint any member to fill any vacant position on The Committee until the next AGM, when that person will retire but will be eligible for re-election.
The Chair will preside over every meeting of The Committee. If the Chair is unable to attend The Secretary will preside over the meeting as acting Chair.
Job shares of future positions on The Committee shall be considered by the current Committee, who have sole discretion to allow or disallow accordingly. The role of Chair shall not be eligible for job share.
A member of The Committee shall be deemed to have vacated office if:
They resign their office by notice to the Chair.
They are absent without sufficient reason for more than three consecutive meetings of the Committee without the permission of the Committee. The Committee resolves that office to be vacated.
They are suspended from holding office or taking part in any activity relating to the administration or management of the Club by a decision of the Constituent Body.
They are requested by more than two thirds of the Committee acting together.
Decisions made by the Committee shall be made by a simple majority, and in the event of tie, the Chair or acting Chair has the deciding vote.
The Committee have the authority to make changes to the Club constitution if at least 85% of the Committee are in favour of the changes.General Meetings
Notice of the Annual General Meeting and all positions for election will be given by the secretary, with not less than 30 days clear notice to all members.
The AGM will receive a report from the Committee and a statement of the accounts.
Nominations for members of the Committee will be sent to the Club Secretary prior to the AGM.
The Committee has the right to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) outside the AGM. Procedures for EGMs will be the same as for the AGM.
Property and Funds
The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than reasonably allowed by the rules and all surplus income or profits are reinvested in the Club.
The Club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the club:
Sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment.
All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of Hard Yards Running Club. The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the Club.
The Financial year end will be on 01 April each year.
The Committee will agree a reserve of no less than 6 months expenditure.
The annual accounts will be presented by the Club Treasurer at the AGM.
All members are expected to act in accordance with Hard Yards Running Clubs code of conduct.
All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be presented and submitted in writing to the club welfare officer within 30 days of an incident taking place, and will be resolved accordingly by the Committee. If required, written details of the complaint made against a member will be issued to that member in advance of any meeting.
The member shall be given the opportunity to make written representations and/or appear before the Committee, and may be accompanied by a friend at any meeting to support the member.
The member will not be expelled unless two thirds of the Committee vote in favour of expulsion. The Committee may suspend and exclude the member from any club events or training until the meeting considering their expulsion has been held. Any person ceasing to be a member forfeits all rights in relation to and claims upon the Club, it’s property and its funds and they have no right to the return of any part of their subscription.
Political Affiliation and Charities
Hard Yards Running Club is a non-political club. We do not endorse any particular party, cause, charity or pressure group.
Members should not promote any political cause, or pressure group whilst representing Hard Yards Running Club.
The Committee will consider in each case how it may support individual members in their efforts to raise money or awareness for registered charities.
A decision to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at an Extraordinary General Meeting and would require a majority of at least 75% of the members present and voting.
The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the Committee will be responsible for the winding-up of the assets and liabilities of the Club.
Any property remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the Club shall be paid to a charity or local sports club.